

Human apprentice demonslayer.Over a decade ago, she lost her parents when Zenohemia and the five witches destroyed Legurus island and its kingdom. Since then, she runs an apothecary in the town of Ferio together with her sister Marta.Always smiling and possessing a bright disposition unfazed by anything, her personality compels her to reach out to people in need. For the most part she is positive and has an optimistic mindset, but once she's depressed she remains stuck in a rut.She loathes the demon (Veronica) who killed her parents and has been training in secret to avenge her parents. Upon meeting Gilbert, she leaves town and goes on a journey to aid those oppressed by the demons.An extremely good cook, her pack is crammed with an immense number of cooking utensils which she justifies as "essential equipment for adventuring"


Astronauts: Sirius


