

The Judge's brother refers to the judge presiding over the Turnabout Beginnings, The Stolen Turnabout and the first day of the Bridge to the Turnabout trials. He is the younger brother of the usual judge that presides over Phoenix Wright's cases. The judge is naïve and gullible, albeit not as extremely as his brother. Like his brother, he is very easily wooed by female witnesses. He tries to run standard, serious trials with minimal eccentricities. However, he does seem to be prone to giving abrupt verdicts without allowing time for any new points to be presented. He also has a habit of saying that he doesn't know how he feels about certain topics that come up in court.This judge seems to exhibit a stereotypical Canadian personality. He has certain verbal ticks, such as saying "aboot" in place of "about", ending sentences with "eh", and referring to some people as "hosers". He also discusses many subjects that a stereotypical Canadian might discuss, such as hockey (and his "playoff beard"), foods (donuts and beer), and "double-doubles" (referring to a coffee from Tim Hortons, a highly popular Canadian coffee shop, that has two spoonfuls of sugar and two parts cream). [Taken from his Ace Attorney Wiki page.]




