Code name: "Witch"Angel: HanielAdult Form Height & 3-Sizes: 170 cm & 94/62/90Natsumi is the seventh Spirit who appears in the series. She first appears as a slender woman whose age should be slightly past 20 years old. However, it is later revealed that her true form is a little girl with the appearance of a child with unkempt hair and clothing.Natsumi is very pessimistic and has a major inferiority complex. She is prone to be jealous of others, especially of their bodies. Due to her power to transform and shapeshift, she tries to act and take on the persona of that form with a twist of her personality to do some mischievous deeds. The Onee-san personality she takes on in her transformed form is what Natsumi perceives as the perfect image of herself.Her Angel Haniel takes the form of a broomstick. Its ability can transform the target into any form Natsumi wants. This can be people, objects, whatever she desires. The angel has a gem on the tip that can turn into a mirror which can entrap anyone inside. Her power can also be used on Haniel itself to mimic another Spirit's Angel and its abilities, but to a lesser degree.[From Wikipedia and Date A Live Wiki]