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Benjamin Woodman, usually referred to by his stage name Ben, is a ventriloquist at the Berry Big Circus. At the time of the murder, Woodman had been at the circus for around four years. Woodman is extremely quiet and shy, preferring to channel all semblance of extroversion through his puppet Trilo Quist. Without Trilo, Woodman is very nervous around other people. When Wright met him, Woodman was never seen making eye contact with anyone. He gives Trilo a very loud and obnoxious personality that talks very quickly, which is such a contrast to Ben's personality that he almost seems to be a living, intelligent person separate from Woodman. Woodman secretly wishes for stardom and expresses this desire through the fame-hungry Trilo that gets "annoyed" when Woodman makes a mistake.[Based on his Ace Attorney Wiki page.]




