罪門 恭介
- 身高:
- 177cm
- 个性:
- Carefree、Lazy、Relaxed
Jake Marshall is a cowboy-obsessed patrol officer with the Los Angeles Police Department when Bruce Goodman was murdered. He often makes references to the state of Texas, even though he is actually from Los Angeles. Jake is obsessed with the Wild West. He dresses in a poncho and speaks like a stereotypical cowboy. He also tends to be calm and not easily flustered. His second favorite food is Angel Starr's Salisbury steak lunch, his favorite being spaghetti from his local joint. Jake has a laid-back attitude to his duties as a guard. He's supposed to go inside the evidence room to check it three times a day, but states that it's "not his style" and actually only visits the room once a month to "pay [his] respects". On February of 2015, during the events of the SL-9 incident, Jake Marshall took a case with his brother Neil Marshall, detective Angel Starr, detective Bruce Goodman and chief detectives Damon Gant and Lana Skye to track down serial killer Joe Darke. However, tragedy stuck when Darke escaped police custody during a blackout and ran into Neil and Ema Skye. Neil was found dead.Darke was tried for Neil's death on top of his other murders and he was found guilty. After the incident, Jake was demoted to patrolman, guard of the evidence room, but Jake, alongside Starr and Goodman, thought something was wrong with the evidence. Before his demotion, he acted as a mentor to Dick Gumshoe when Dick started out in the force, giving him a small cactus that he claimed would "listen to all [his] troubles." For the next two years, Jake tried to convince his peers and superiors to reopen the SL-9 case to find out the truth about what happened to his brother. Even though Starr supported him, Goodman stood steadfast. Finally on February 21st, 2017, the day the SL-9 case was to be closed permanently, Jake stole Goodman's ID. With his knowledge of where the security cameras were, his plan was to disguise himself as Goodman and steal the evidence to examine them himself. However, he hadn't made up his mind.Around 5:00 PM, Jake received a call from Lana Skye, who told him Goodman had been murdered. Realizing he only had one chance to find out the truth, he put on his disguise and went inside the evidence room. By luck, Goodman's locker was open, but was empty. (The locks in the evidence room had fingerprint scans, meaning only the detective it was assigned to could open it. In this case, a plastic glove was jammed between the sensors. Jake didn't know anything about them.) Jake then went to head back out, but was stopped by officer Mike Meekins. Meekins asked for his ID, but Jake panicked and pulled out a knife, knowing his cover would be blown if he did. Meekins lunged at the knife, cut his own hand and passed out. With his white coat bloodied, Jake went to his own locker and stuffed the coat inside, but mistakenly left a sleeve out.The next day, Jake was assigned to guard the crime scene, which was at the underground parking lot of the prosecutor's office, and ditched Goodman's ID card there. He assisted defense attorney Phoenix Wright and Lana's sister Ema Skye when they came to investigate; Lana had been accused of Goodman's murder, and Ema had hired Wright to represent her in court.After court was suspended for the day, Jake decided to turn himself in to the prosecutor's office, but not before giving Wright more information. When the trial resumed the next day, Wright used his information in concert with other information he had gathered to prove that Gant was the real killer in the murders of both Goodman and Neil. [Based on his Ace Attorney Wiki page.]