

Godot is the mysterious coffee-loving prosecutor for Phoenix Wright's "Trials and Tribulations" cases. He shows an open dislike of Wright, intentionally mispronouncing his name as "Trite" to show his contempt.Godot has been described as "smug" and a "hot-shot". He's unrelenting in court and is fond of using countless metaphors and quotes constituting his "rules". He seems to dislike Wright; openly demeaning and taunting him and even occasionally throwing a coffee cup (filled with boiling hot coffee) at Wright's head in court. In comparison with the other prosecutors Wright encountered during his career, Godot is infrequently rattled when the defense gains the upper hand, and is generally very calm and collected. Godot's most notable personality trait is his deep love of coffee.Godot was originally Diego Armando, Mia Fey's boyfriend and fellow defence attorney working at Grossberg Law Offices. before he was poisoned by Dahlia Hawthorne. He slipped into a coma as a result of the poisoning, which damaged his central nervous system, turned his hair white and caused some colour blindness (he is not able to see red on white backgrounds).Godot also used his privileges as a prosecutor to spy on Morgan Fey, whom he knew had tried to frame Maya Fey for murder and whom he feared would attempt to kill or otherwise harm her again. One day, he overheard Morgan telling her daughter Pearl about a letter she had hidden, which would give her instructions for killing Maya Fey. Oblivious to the letter's purpose and unable to understand some of the words, Pearl attempted to carry through with the plan, telling Phoenix Wright and Maya about Hazakura Temple. Godot contacted Iris, a nun at the temple, and Misty Fey, Maya's mother, telling them about the plan and asking for their assistance. Misty had by then taken on another identity as children's book author Elise Deauxnim.Misty attempted to keep Pearl from carrying through with the plan by inviting her to read some books, but Pearl went anyway. She crossed a bridge to the Inner Temple, where Maya was training. Following her mother's instructions, she attempted to channel Dahlia Hawthorne, who had been executed a month before. Godot was already near the temple, prepared for the worst. When Pearl did not show up, Misty became worried and also crossed to the island, channeling Hawthorne to prevent Pearl from doing so.Hawthorne, in Misty's body, found Maya in a garden and attempted to kill her, cornering her on a lantern in the temple garden. Godot, however, possessed by hatred, stabbed Hawthorne with a sword-cane that Misty had brought, but Hawthorne attacked Godot one final time, causing his visor to fly off his face, leaving a wound. Godot put on his visor again, which concealed his wound. He then carried Maya into the temple and cleaned up the bloodied snow. Unable to see the blood, he was forced to shovel a large rectangular area around the lantern. This also meant that he missed the bloody writing that read "Maya", which Hawthorne had written on the lantern before she died. Godot tried to carry Misty's body over the bridge, but it had burnt down, so he attached the corpse to a loose cable and swung it across the river for Iris to receive on the other side. Iris then stabbed the corpse in the Hazakura Temple courtyard with the Shichishito sword to make it look as if the crime scene had been on that side.During the trial of Misty's murder, Hawthorne, pretending to be Iris, testified that Maya committed the crime. However, Wright eventually uncovered her identity and, with the help of Godot and Mia, was able to come to the conclusion that Maya was channeling Hawthorne. Hawthorne, condemned to eternal failure at the hands of Mia, fled from Maya's body. Godot then challenged Wright to try and find the true killer, without the help and support of the Fey sisters. Maya later testified as well. Filled with gratitude for Godot, she attempted to cover for him. Godot taunted Wright, asserting that he would "never be half the lawyer [Mia] was", but Wright, fulfilling his mentor's legacy, persevered and proved that Godot was the killer. Realizing this, and seeing Mia's spirit in Wright, Godot finally admitted his mistakes, accepting that he had only been angry at "Trite" because he had needed someone to blame for Mia's death. He further added that he had been at least partly motivated by a chance at redemption; if he had really only wanted to save Maya, he would have talked to Wright about the plan.[Taken from his Ace Attorney Wiki page.]




