足立 透
- 身高:
- 176cm
- 个性:
- Carefree、Cynic、Haraguro、Manipulative、Misogynist、Ore、Smart
Adachi is a former detective and the second true antagonist in Persona 4 who possesses the persona "Magatsu-Izanagi", darker version of Yu's Izanagi. Adachi is a sociopathic, sadistic, misogynistic, misanthropic, and manipulative man. He acts as if everything was a game and doesn't seem to care about the consequence of his actions. He believes that there was nothing great about the real world, calling it "boring", "shitty", "dull" and "annoying as hell" to him. He views his reasons for what he's doing as justifiable, saying that he wants to save and prevent humanity from the pain, suffering, boredom and despair of life. Despite all this he has quite a laidback attitude and in addition, although Adachi won't admit it out loud, he genuinely values his friendship with Dojima, who used to be his superior.[Edited from Megami Tensei Wiki]