"S-S-S-Sorry. Sorry I was ever born!"Based on William Kidd (c. 22 January 1645 – 23 May 1701) who was a Scottish sailor who was tried and executed for piracy after returning from a voyage to the Indian Ocean. Kidd's fame springs largely from the sensational circumstances of his questioning before the English Parliament and the ensuing trial. His actual depredations on the high seas, whether piratical or not, were both less destructive and less lucrative than those of many other contemporary pirates and privateers.The new leader of Vinland's elusive pirate brigade. She is always weak-willed and indecisive. A huge coward, William has the mindset of a unreliable minion right down to the marrow of her bones.There's supposedly great dormant potential sleeping within her, but she's shown no signs of unlocking it. She wants to quit the pirate life, but also wants to be with Teach and Drake forever.[From English official site]